\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth'] \node[text width=5em, text ragged] at (0.5,2) {\bf Forms}; \node[text width=5em, text ragged] at (2.5,2) {\bf Mapping}; \node[text width=9em, text ragged] at (6,2) {\bf Lexical Entries}; \matrix[row sep=-\pgflinewidth, column sep=-\pgflinewidth, column 1/.style={nodes={text depth=0pt,text width=3.5em,align=right}}] at (0,0) { \node (bse) {$\mathrm{drive}$}; \\ \node (s) {$\mathrm{drives}$}; \\ \node (ed) {$\mathrm{drove}$}; \\ \node (en) {$\mathrm{driven}$}; \\ \node (ing) {$\mathrm{driving}$}; \\ }; \matrix[row sep=-\pgflinewidth, column sep=-\pgflinewidth, column 1/.style={nodes={text depth=0pt,text width=12em,text ragged}}] at (6,0) { \node (e1) {$\lexet{\lambda{s}.s\bullet{drive}}{Nom_{\neg3s}\multimap{Fin}}{walk}$}; \\ \node (e2) {$\lexet{walk}{PRO \multimap{Bse}}{drive}$}; \\ \node (e3) {$\lexet{\lambda{s}.s\bullet{drives}}{Nom\multimap{Fin}}{drive}$}; \\ \node (e5) {$\lexet{\lambda{s}.s\bullet{drove}}{Nom\multimap{Fin}}{PST(drive)}$}; \\ \node (e6) {$\lexet{driven}{PRO \multimap{Psp}}{drive}$}; \\ \node (e4) {$\lexet{driving}{PRO \multimap{Prp}}{drive}$}; \\ }; \draw[->] (bse) to node[fill=white] {.} (e2); \draw[->] (bse) to node[fill=white,above] {$\scriptstyle f_1$} (e1); \draw[->] (s) to node[fill=white] {.} (e3); \draw[->] (ed) to node[fill=white] {.} (e5); \draw[->] (en) to node[fill=white] {.} (e6); \draw[->] (ing) to node[fill=white] {$\scriptstyle f_6$} (e4); %\draw[->] (simple.east) .. controls +(right:6mm) .. (ded.east); \end{tikzpicture} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "../../morphology" %%% End: