
147 lines
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\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth', line width=.2em]
\node (weak) at (0,0) {
{\large\bf Class Weak}\vspace{0.5em}
\item long prefix {\it n(e)d-}
\item typical of \emph{weak} vowel initial stems: /ǒ,ə/
\node (strong) at (10,0) {
{\large\bf Class Strong}\vspace{0.5em}
\item short prefix {\it n-}
\item (historically) typical of \emph{strong} vowel initial
stems: /a,e,i,o/
\node (inherent) at (20,0) {
{\large\bf Class inherent}\vspace{0.5em}
\item no suffix {\it -m}
\item typical of inalienable possession
\node (sentient) at (30,0) {
{\large\bf Class Sentient}\vspace{0.5em}
\item requires suffix {\it -m}
\item typical of possessed nouns for humans, animals and animate
\node (chief) at (0,-20) {
{\large\bf Class Chief}\vspace{0.5em}
\rnum & \af{nd}okma\af{m} & `my chief' \\
\caption{A suffix {\it -m} is required as is a long
prefix. Here the initial \emph{o} is /ǒ/. These are not
\node[fill=white!90] (inalienable) at (25,-20) {
{\large{\bf Class Inalienable:} typical inalienable possession}\vspace{0.5em}
\rnum & \af{n}bemdakey & `my collarbone' \\
\rnum & \af{n}os & `my father' \\
\rnum & \af{n}medné & `my blanket' \\
\caption{A suffix {\it -m} \emph{never} appears and the prefix
is \emph{always} in the short form. Not overabundant.}
\node (bobcat) at (5,-40) {
{\large{\bf Class Bobcat:} inflects like `bobcat'}\vspace{0.5em}
\rnum & \af{n}bezhow\af{em} & `my bobcat' \\
\rnum & \af{nde}bzhow\af{em} & `my bobcat' \\
\caption{A suffix {\it -m} is required but it inflects like
both \emph{weak} and \emph{strong} classes.}
\node (flag) at (20,-40) {
{\large{\bf Class Flag:} inflects like `flag'}\vspace{0.5em}
\rnum & \af{nd}ekwé'wen & `my flag' \\
\rnum & \af{nd}ekwé'wen\af{em} & `my flag' \\
\caption{The free stem for this is {\it kewé'wen}, because the
first {\it e} was not deleted due to the rules of syncope,
there should be an underlying initial weak vowel /ə/. The
prefix must be long but the suffix is optional.}
\node (general) at (10,-60) {
{\large{\bf Class General:} ``$\text{inalienable}\times\textsc{flag}$''}\vspace{0.5em}
\rnum & \af{n}mowej & `my feces' \\
\rnum & \af{nde}mowj\af{em} & `my feces' \\
\rnum & \af{n}jiman & `my canoe' \\
\rnum & \af{nde}jiman & `my canoe' \\
\rnum & \af{n}dekobjegen & `my string' \\
\rnum & \af{n}dekobjegn\af{em} & `my string' \\
\caption{Four forms should be possible here for each but due
to data sparsity, it is difficult to find a single lexeme
that has been attested for all forms.}
\draw[->] (general) to (inalienable);
\draw[->] (general) to (flag);
\draw[->] (inalienable) to (inherent);
\draw[->] (inalienable) to (strong);
\draw[->] (flag) to (chief);
\draw[->] (flag.north) to (inherent.southwest);
\draw[->] (chief.north) to (sentient);
\draw[->] (chief.north) to (weak);
\draw[->] (bobcat.north) to (sentient);
\draw[->] (bobcat.north) to (strong);
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