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<meta name="description" content="I am a PhD candidate in the Ohio State University Linguisitcs Department where I research morphology. My research focuses on the morphology-semantics interface(s) in abstractive, Word-and-Paradigm-style systems. My research integrates two methodologies, formal modeling and elicitation-based fieldwork.
My dissertation research studies the properties of Wao Terero lexical suffix constructions. Wao Terero is a linguistic isolate spoken by an unknown number of speakers in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
In addition to my current work.">
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<meta property="og:description" content="I am a PhD candidate in the Ohio State University Linguisitcs Department where I research morphology. My research focuses on the morphology-semantics interface(s) in abstractive, Word-and-Paradigm-style systems. My research integrates two methodologies, formal modeling and elicitation-based fieldwork.
My dissertation research studies the properties of Wao Terero lexical suffix constructions. Wao Terero is a linguistic isolate spoken by an unknown number of speakers in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
In addition to my current work." />
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<meta property="article:published_time" content="2022-11-08T14:31:55-05:00" />
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<meta itemprop="description" content="I am a PhD candidate in the Ohio State University Linguisitcs Department where I research morphology. My research focuses on the morphology-semantics interface(s) in abstractive, Word-and-Paradigm-style systems. My research integrates two methodologies, formal modeling and elicitation-based fieldwork.
My dissertation research studies the properties of Wao Terero lexical suffix constructions. Wao Terero is a linguistic isolate spoken by an unknown number of speakers in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
In addition to my current work."><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2022-11-08T14:31:55-05:00" />
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<meta name="twitter:description" content="I am a PhD candidate in the Ohio State University Linguisitcs Department where I research morphology. My research focuses on the morphology-semantics interface(s) in abstractive, Word-and-Paradigm-style systems. My research integrates two methodologies, formal modeling and elicitation-based fieldwork.
My dissertation research studies the properties of Wao Terero lexical suffix constructions. Wao Terero is a linguistic isolate spoken by an unknown number of speakers in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
In addition to my current work."/>
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<p>I am a PhD candidate in the <!-- raw HTML omitted -->Ohio
State University Linguisitcs Department<!-- raw HTML omitted --> where I research
morphology. My research focuses on the morphology-semantics
interface(s) in abstractive, Word-and-Paradigm-style systems. My
research integrates two methodologies, formal modeling and
elicitation-based fieldwork.</p>
<p>My dissertation research studies the properties of Wao Terero lexical
suffix constructions. Wao Terero is a linguistic isolate spoken by an
unknown number of speakers in the Ecuadorian Amazon.</p>
<p>In addition to my current work. I have also worked with languages in
the Algonquian and Quechuan families. I have had a long involvement
with the digital humanities, contributing technical skills to a number
of documentation projects that have resulted in valuable resources for
both researchers and the communities involved. Lately I have been
working with a team that seeks to create advanced tools for linguistic
description and annotation that utilize advanced NLP and machine
learning techniques.</p>
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