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Noah Diewald 2021-02-25 06:42:04 -05:00
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PotawatomiPoss.v Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Import ListNotations.
Open Scope type_scope.
Open Scope string_scope.
(* First we define lexes, which are building blocks for lexemes. These
are not lexemes themselves because we require additional structure to
develop a notion of derivational relationships. *)
Inductive lex : Set :=
| OS : lex (* father *)
| NESHNABÉ : lex (* person *)
| BIWABEK : lex (* metal *)
| MOWECH : lex (* feces *)
| BAGJÉʔGEN : lex. (* pool cue *)
(* Here we define the only derivational relationship that we are
concerned with for this fragment, IJ, which relates lexes to a lexeme
that is related by the function c to the class appropriate to
inalienably possessed nouns. *)
Inductive rel : Set :=
| IJ : rel. (* fellow *)
(* Lexemes are either simple, in the case of root or have a
relationship to a class of likewise derived lexemes in the case of
cmplx. *)
Inductive lexeme : Type :=
| root (l : lex)
| cmplx (r : rel) (l : lex).
(* The type mm is for atoms used in m-categories or mcats, which are
lists of mms. Here this is somewhat redundant because our fragment is
so simple. *)
Inductive mm : Set :=
| free : mm
| freem : mm
| bound : mm
| nposs : mm.
(* I define fclasses that are not used in this fragment. These are
related to lexemes by the function c. *)
Inductive fclass : Set :=
| long : fclass
| short : fclass
| nosuffix : fclass
| msuffix : fclass
| LN : fclass
| LM : fclass
| SN : fclass
| SM : fclass
| LNM : fclass
| LSN : fclass
| LSM : fclass
| SNM : fclass
| LSNM : fclass
| none : fclass. (* This will exist outside the order. *)
(* As stated above, mcat is a list of mms. An mform is a string. *)
Definition mcat := list mm.
Definition mform := string.
(* An mtrip is the data structure used to define Fentrys *)
Definition mtrip := mcat * mform * lexeme.
(* Note that the check below demonstrates why simply saying that we're
working with mtrips is not good enough. Non-grammatical triples
check. We need to be able to specify which are legal triples. *)
Check ([ SNM ] , "walk" , root OS).
(* To solve this I define a predicate Fentry, the use of which will be
seen below. Essentially, only grammatical mtrips will be Fentrys. *)
Axiom Fentry : mtrip -> Prop.
(* lem is the order over mcats. The axioms below define it as an
order. *)
Axiom lem : mcat -> mcat -> Prop.
Axiom lem_refl : forall x : mcat, lem x x.
Axiom lem_antisym : forall x y : mcat, lem x y -> lem y x -> x = y.
Axiom lem_trans : forall x y z : mcat, lem x y -> lem y z -> lem x z.
(* The order is not natural. We define, explicitly, the relation. *)
Axiom free_lem_bound : lem [ free ] [ bound ].
Axiom free_lem_freem : lem [ free ] [ freem ].
(* lef is the order over fclasses. The axioms below define it as an
order. *)
Axiom lef : fclass -> fclass -> Prop.
Axiom lef_refl : forall x : fclass, lef x x.
Axiom lef_antisym : forall x y : fclass, lef x y -> lef y x -> x = y.
Axiom lef_trans : forall x y z : fclass, lef x y -> lef y z -> lef x z.
(* The order is not natural. We define, explicitly, the relation. *)
Axiom ln_lef_long : lef LN long.
Axiom lm_lef_long : lef LM long.
Axiom ln_lef_nosuffix : lef LN nosuffix.
Axiom sn_lef_nosuffix : lef SN nosuffix.
Axiom lm_lef_msuffix : lef LM msuffix.
Axiom sm_lef_msuffix : lef SM msuffix.
Axiom sn_lef_short : lef SN short.
Axiom sm_lef_short : lef SM short.
Axiom lnm_lef_ln : lef LNM LN.
Axiom lsn_lef_ln : lef LSN LN.
Axiom lnm_lef_lm : lef LNM LM.
Axiom lsm_lef_lm : lef LSM LM.
Axiom lsn_lef_sn : lef LSN SN.
Axiom snm_lef_sn : lef SNM SN.
Axiom lsm_lef_sm : lef LSM SM.
Axiom snm_lef_sm : lef SNM SM.
Axiom lsnm_lef_lnm : lef LSNM LNM.
Axiom lsnm_lef_lsm : lef LSNM LSM.
(* Below we define c which relates lexemes to their fclass. We assume
that only cmplx IJ NESHNABÉ will have an fclass that allows for the
derivation from root NESHNABÉ as this is the only attested lexeme for
that derivation among the lexemes defined. *)
Definition c (l:lexeme) : fclass :=
match l with
| root OS => SN
| root NESHNABÉ => LM
| root BIWABEK => LSM (* We'd predict LSNM but these are attested. *)
| root BAGJÉʔGEN => SNM (* The same as above. *)
| root MOWECH => LSNM (* There are missing forms here too. *)
| cmplx IJ lx => match lx with
| _ => none
(* Below I define the form building functions. These ignore the
intricacies of providing correct surface forms as a simplification and
due to a lack of the specification of a phonological interface. *)
Definition suffix_m (s:mform) : mform :=
s ++ "m".
Definition prefix_n (s:mform) : mform :=
"n" ++ s.
Definition prefix_ned (s:mform) : mform :=
"ned" ++ s.
Definition prefix_ij (s:mform) : mform :=
"ij" ++ s.
(* These are definitions of basic stems for the lexemes above. Note
that I define the mtrips first and then specify that they are
Fentrys. *)
Definition mowech_free := ([ free ], "mowech", root MOWECH) : mtrip.
Definition os_bound := ([ bound ], "os", root OS) : mtrip.
Axiom f_mowech_free : Fentry mowech_free.
(* f_m is the rule for specifying that... *)
Axiom f_m : forall (mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) -> (lem (fst (fst mt)) [ freem ]) -> (lef (c (snd mt)) msuffix) -> Fentry ([ bound ], suffix_m (snd (fst mt)), (snd mt)).
Axiom f_n : forall (mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) -> (lem (fst (fst mt)) [ bound ]) -> (lef (c (snd mt)) short) -> Fentry ([ nposs ], prefix_n (snd (fst mt)), (snd mt)).
Axiom f_ned : forall (mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) -> (lem (fst (fst mt)) [ bound ]) -> (lef (c (snd mt)) long) -> Fentry ([ nposs ], prefix_ned (snd (fst mt)), (snd mt)).
Definition glex (l:lexeme) :=
match l with
| root lx => lx
| cmplx _ lx => lx
Axiom f_ij : forall (mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) -> (lem (fst (fst mt)) [ freem ]) -> (lef (c (snd mt)) msuffix) -> Fentry ([ bound ], prefix_ij (snd (fst mt)), cmplx IJ (glex (snd mt))).
Lemma walk_base_is_fentry:
Fentry mowech_free.
apply f_mowech_free.
Lemma mowech_free_is_free:
lem (fst (fst mowech_free)) [ free ].
apply lem_refl.
Lemma mowech_free_is_LSNM:
lef (c (snd mowech_free)) LSNM.
apply lef_refl.
Lemma LM_is_msuffix:
lef LM msuffix.
apply lm_lef_msuffix.
Lemma LNM_is_msuffix:
lef LNM msuffix.
assert (H1 : lef LNM LM).
{ apply lnm_lef_lm. }
assert (H2 : lef LM msuffix).
{ apply lm_lef_msuffix. }
apply (lef_trans LNM LM msuffix H1 H2).
Lemma mowech_free_is_msuffix:
lef (c (snd mowech_free)) msuffix.
assert (H1 : lef LSNM LNM).
{ apply lsnm_lef_lnm. }
assert (H2 : lef LNM msuffix).
{ exact LNM_is_msuffix. }
apply (lef_trans LSNM LNM msuffix H1 H2).
Example test_f_m:
Fentry ([ bound ], "mowechm", root MOWECH).
assert (H1 : lem [ free ] [ freem ]).
{ apply free_lem_freem. }
assert (H2 : lef LSNM msuffix).
{ exact mowech_free_is_msuffix. }
apply (f_m mowech_free).
exact f_mowech_free.

QuechuaPlural.v Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
(** * Cochabamba Quechua Plurals
Below is a morphological fragment of in Lexical Proof Morphology of an
overabundant plural pattern found in Cochabamba Quechua.
In some dialects of Cochabamba Quechua the borrowed Spanish plural -s
occurs on all nominal stems that end in a vowel. There is also a
native plural -kuna, that occurs on nominal stems generally. These
plural may also co-occur in varying order on the stem. So for a vowel
stem, like warmi, 'woman', warmi-s, warmi-kuna, warmi-s-kuna,
warmi-kuna-s are all predicted to occur, though not with equal
likelihood, necessarily. A stem that ends in a consonant, like sipas,
'young woman', is predicted to have the plural forms sipaskuna and
sipaskunas for some speakers. There is also a possible semantic
constraint on the distribution of the Spanish plural, where the -kuna
plural is more appropriate for contrastive subjects. Of course, there
are also other dialectal patterns and speaker variation. The fragment
below captures one observable pattern. *)
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Import ListNotations.
Open Scope type_scope.
Open Scope string_scope.
(** * Initial axioms of the fragment
Below I introduce the basic lexemes and categories of the
morphological fragment.
** Lexemes
First I define some basic lexemes. Lexemes have no inherent
properties. They serve a role similar to foriegn keys in a relational
database. They are a key for retrieving and defining collections of
information. For instance ( LEXEME_1, x ), ( LEXEME_1, y ) puts both x
and y in the same collection, where the collection is defined in terms
of the second elements of tuples where the first element is the same
The lexeme WARMI corresponds to a nominal with a stem ending in a
vowel. The lexeme SIPAS corresponds to a lexeme ending in a
consonant. *)
Inductive lexeme : Set :=
| WARMI : lexeme (* woman *)
| SIPAS : lexeme. (* young woman *)
(** ** Morphological categories
The type matom is for atoms used in m-category names or mcats,
which I compose like lists. Mcats are morphological categories, which
categorize observable analogical patterns in morphological form. For
instance, though warmis, warmikuna, warmiskuna and warmikunas
correspond to two syntactic categories, one for basic plural and one
for a contrastive subject, but there are, at minimum, four
morphological categories, one for each form. In practice, there are
more categories to capture the "morphotactics" or the allowable
patterns of affix coocurence within words of the system and to allow
for generalizations when mapping between syntactic categories.
In fact, what one "sees" in this system are not the categories,
themselves, which are conceptually atomic but a means of referring to
them with names. Think of the name John Smith as a category name and
Smith as analogous to an matom. Just as the last name Smith can belong
to an entire family or even multiple people in multiple families, each
person with Smith in their name is an individual and could,
potentially be named something else. Likewise, having Smith as a last
name, one of the most frequent last names in the English language,
does not entail family membership. Despite this, the system of naming
children using their parents' last names does simplify the naming of
children. Therefore if it were a rule that every child needed to be
named as a composition of the last name of a particular parent and
some individuated name, the rules of naming are greatly simplified,
even if nothing can be said to be entailed about the properties of
that individual by having a particular last name. The category naming
scheme used here, where names are lists of matoms allows for
flexibility and simplification in naming categories using rules but,
at least at this time, no rule applies because it has a particular
sub-element or sub-list, i.e.\ nothing is entailed about the category
just because a sub-element of its name is one thing or another. This
is a fundamental difference between this scheme and a feature system,
for instance. *)
Inductive matom : Set :=
| nbase : matom
| mplural : matom
| s : matom
| kuna : matom
| kbase : matom
| sbase : matom
| ta : matom.
(** As stated above, mcat is a list of matoms. *)
Definition mcat := list matom.
** Mcats for the fragment *)
(* [ nbase ] is a basic noun stem. [ kbase ] is a stem that can take
a -kuna affix. [ sbase ] is a stem that can take a -s affix. [
kuna ] is any form that contains -kuna. [ mplural ] is any form
with a plural affix. [ s , nbase ] is a basic stem with only an -s
affix. [ kuna, nbase ] is a basic stem with only a -kuna affix.
The other two mcats contain both suffixes in differing order.
The kuna forms are hypothesized to have a different distribution than
the -s only form. They are (possibly) more compatible with focus
constructions in subject position.
A take away for the above is that nearly every form type has its own
category, at least in this analysis of this phenomenon. Labeling form
types is not the only role of these categories. Some categories, such
as [ sbase ] and [ kbase ] are only directly relevant to
morphotactics. Other categories, such as [ kuna ] are more relevant to
the interface with the syntactic paradigm. *)
(** ** Morphological forms
An mform, or morphological form, is a string *)
Definition mform := string.
(** Below are some string functions to handle suffixation. *)
Definition suffix_s (stem:mform) : mform :=
stem ++ "s".
Definition suffix_kuna (stem:mform) : mform :=
stem ++ "kuna".
Definition suffix_ta (stem:mform) : mform :=
stem ++ "ta".
(** ** The structure of morphological paradigm entries
An mtrip is a data structure used to define Fentrys, which are
"form entries" aka morphological paradigm entries. There could
potentially be many non-Fentrys that have the type of an
mtrip. Nothing constrains this type to only be reasonable
entities. One of the purposes of the theory is to specify what
morphological forms are valid in a particular language. This is
similar to the formal language notion of defining the characteristic
function of a subset of all string combinations that correspond to a
Here the '*' corresponds to ×, for defining the types of pairs. *)
Definition mtrip := mcat * mform * lexeme.
(** The check below demonstrates why simply saying that we're working
with mtrips is not good enough. Non-grammatical triples check. We need
to be able to specify which are legal triples. *)
Check ( [ kuna ] , "foot" , WARMI ).
(** Here I define Fentry, which is a predicate that is proveable when
an mtrip is a valid lexical entity. *)
Axiom Fentry : mtrip -> Prop.
(** Here I define the mtrip for the "warmi" stem. I am not handling
the phonological dimension that "sipas" requires, where -s cannot be
suffixed to a stem that ends in a consonant because I haven't built a
phonological abstraction into this example, yet. I could specify the
needed categorical distinction with a predicate. Such a predicate
would be true for some specified set of mforms and false for others
but it is more interesting to do it correctly and pattern match on the
string. *)
Definition warmi_nbase := ([ nbase ], "warmi", WARMI) : mtrip.
(** This requires an explicit axiom to be treated like an
Fentry. Other Fentries will be derived from it. *)
Axiom f_warmi_nbase : Fentry warmi_nbase.
(** * Morpho-Lexical relations
lem, for "less than or equal to morphological category" is the
order over morphological categories, or mcats. What you see below are
the basic properties of an order. These state the relation is
reflexive, meaning that x x; antisymmetric, meaning that if x y
and y x then x = y; transitive, meaning that if x y and y z then
x z. *)
Axiom lem : mcat -> mcat -> Prop.
Axiom lem_refl : forall x : mcat, lem x x.
Axiom lem_antisym : forall x y : mcat, lem x y -> lem y x -> x = y.
Axiom lem_trans : forall x y z : mcat, lem x y -> lem y z -> lem x z.
(** The order is not natural. There may be natural orders on the
underlying list type based on length but this is not how I use
mcats. As mentioned, though their structure is complex, they are
*names* of atomic categories.
Due to the fact that the order is not natural, each relation must be
explicitly specified, except those that are predictable from the
properties of the order. Below I specify those needed for this
fragment. *)
Axiom nbase_lem_kbase : lem [ nbase ] [ kbase ].
Axiom s_nbase_lem_kbase : lem [ s ; nbase ] [ kbase ].
Axiom nbase_lem_sbase : lem [ nbase ] [ sbase ].
Axiom kuna_nbase_lem_sbase : lem [ kuna ; nbase ] [ sbase ].
Axiom kuna_nbase_lem_kuna : lem [ kuna ; nbase ] [ kuna ].
Axiom kuna_s_nbase : lem [ kuna ; s ; nbase ] [ kuna ].
Axiom s_kuna_nbase : lem [ s ; kuna ; nbase ] [ kuna ].
Axiom kuna_lem_mplural : lem [ kuna ] [ mplural ].
Axiom s_nbase_lem_mplural : lem [ s ; nbase ] [ mplural ].
(** ** Morphotactic rules
In using the word "morphotactic", it may imply an imperative form
building interpretation. Though rules in this system tend to take as
input simpler forms and output more complex forms, the opposite is
possible. Defining rules in a form building direction is done for
practical reasons. Longer more complex forms are often less
frequent. If one wishes to base the assumed forms of a fragment on
something that is independently observable and to be consistent about
which forms are assumed as axioms across lexemes, frequently used
forms are preferable -- or perhaps something like the principal parts
of a paradigm. The intended interpretation of these rules is that they
declare that if it is the case that Fentry x exists, then Fentry y
exists but x does not underly y in any sense. Nor is it necessarily
contained as a subpart of y.
Below one can see the first morphotactic rule, which I call form-form
mappings. It specifies that anything within the category of [ sbase ]
can have its form suffixed with -s. The accessors that look like (fst
(fst mt)) are because the mtrip triple is actually a pair of a pair
and a lexeme, the structure is w=((x,y),z) so (fst (fst w)) is x. In
English the rule says, for any mtrip that is an Fentry, if the mcat is
less than or equal to [ sbase ] then there is a Fentry such that the
category is whatever was provided with matom s added to the front, an
mform with an affixed -s and an unchanged lexeme. *)
Axiom add_s : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ sbase ]) ->
Fentry (cons s (fst (fst mt)),
suffix_s (snd (fst mt)),
(snd mt)).
(** The rule below is very similar except that it is for the -kuna
containing forms. *)
Axiom add_kuna : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ kbase ]) ->
Fentry (cons kuna (fst (fst mt)),
suffix_kuna (snd (fst mt)),
(snd mt)).
(** The below specifies the morphological category for accusative
marked plurals. *)
Axiom add_plta : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ mplural ]) ->
Fentry ([ s ; ta ],
suffix_ta (snd (fst mt)),
(snd mt)).
(** The below specifies the morphological category for accusative
marked singulars. *)
Axiom add_ta : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ nbase ]) ->
Fentry ([ ta ],
suffix_ta (snd (fst mt)),
(snd mt)).
(** * Mock-up of the interface
Below I define some types for syntactic categories but I do not supply
full entries. This is because for the purposes of this simple
exposition it doesn't make sense to embed the actual types and terms
needed for Linear Categorial Grammar, which is the syntactic theory
that I assume.
In order to hold somewhat to the spirit of the complete theory, I
define Sentry which is the predicate for valid lexical entries. *)
Inductive syncat : Set :=
| nom : matom
| nom_pl : matom
| nom_foc_pl : matom
| acc : matom
| acc_pl : matom.
Axiom Sentry : syncat -> Prop.
(** ** Interface rules
I call these form-sign mappings because the lexical entries are called
signs in LCG.
The first maps uninflected forms to the unmarked nominative. The
second, assuming that the -kuna forms are not always focal, which is
consistent with corpora, maps all mplurals to nom_pl. The third maps
the kuna forms to nom_foc_pl. The last two map -ta marked forms to the
acc and acc_pl, respectively. *)
Axiom nbase_to_nom : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ nbase ]) -> Sentry nom.
Axiom mplural_to_nom_pl : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ mplural ]) -> Sentry nom_pl.
Axiom kuna_to_foc : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ kuna ]) -> Sentry nom_foc_pl.
Axiom ta_to_acc : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ ta ]) -> Sentry acc.
Axiom s_ta_to_acc_pl : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ s ; ta ]) -> Sentry acc_pl.

24 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
* Examples from talks
The files in this directory are mostly more fleshed out examples from
talks. They still consitute incomplete fragments but provide details
that are otherwise missing in overviews.
** Potawatomi possession PotawatomiPoss.v
The phenomenon is described in:
- [[][The structure of Potawatomi hybrid-class overabundance]]
** Quechua plurals QuechuaPlural.v
The phenomenon is described in:
- [[][WP for sign-based CGs: a focus on morphotactics]]
** Wao Tededo future tense WaoFuture.v
I have not uploaded the slides yet.

WaoFuture.v Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
(** * Wao Tededo Future
Below is a morphological fragment of in Lexical Proof Morphology of an
overabundant future tense pattern found in Wao Tededo (Terero).
In Wao Tededo there is a pattern where both a synthetic form bekebopa,
'I will drink' and an analytic construction beke kebopa, can be used
in the formation of the future tense. There is much to be learned
about this pattern but the two forms are considered replaceabl by some
native speakers when context is controlled for. This indicates a
shared category of the two constructions when used in syntax. *)
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Import ListNotations.
Open Scope type_scope. Open Scope string_scope.
(** * Initial axioms of the fragment
Below I introduce the basic lexemes and categories of the
morphological fragment.
** Lexemes
First I define some basic lexemes. Lexemes have no inherent
properties. They serve a role similar to foriegn keys in a relational
database. They are a key for retrieving and defining collections of
information. For instance ( LEXEME_1, x ), ( LEXEME_1, y ) puts both x
and y in the same collection, where the collection is defined in terms
of the second elements of tuples where the first element is the same
The lexeme BEKI corresponds to a verb meaning 'drink'. The lexeme
KEKI corresponds to an auxiliary used to form the future tense. *)
Inductive lexeme : Set :=
| BEKI : lexeme (* drink *)
| KEKI : lexeme. (* do *)
(** ** Morphological categories
The type matom is for atoms used in m-category names or mcats, which I
compose like lists. Mcats are morphological categories, which
categorize observable analogical patterns in morphological form. There
are categories used to capture the "morphotactics" or the allowable
patterns of affix coocurence within words of the system and to allow
for generalizations when mapping between syntactic categories.
In fact, what one "sees" in this system are not the categories,
themselves, which are conceptually atomic but a means of referring to
them with names. Think of the name John Smith as a category name and
Smith as analogous to an matom. Just as the last name Smith can belong
to an entire family or even multiple people in multiple families, each
person with Smith in their name is an individual and could,
potentially be named something else. Likewise, having Smith as a last
name, one of the most frequent last names in the English language,
does not entail family membership. Despite this, the system of naming
children using their parents' last names does simplify the naming of
children. Therefore if it were a rule that every child needed to be
named as a composition of the last name of a particular parent and
some individuated name, the rules of naming are greatly simplified,
even if nothing can be said to be entailed about the properties of
that individual by having a particular last name. The category naming
scheme used here, where names are lists of matoms allows for
flexibility and simplification in naming categories using rules but,
at least at this time, no rule applies because it has a particular
sub-element or sub-list, i.e.\ nothing is entailed about the category
just because a sub-element of its name is one thing or another. This
is a fundamental difference between this scheme and a feature system,
for instance. *)
Inductive matom : Set :=
| base : matom
| ke : matom
| bo : matom
| pa : matom
| bostem : matom
| pastem : matom.
(** As stated above, mcat is a list of matoms. *)
Definition mcat := list matom.
(** Mcats for the fragment
[ base ] is a basic, uninflected, stem. [ ke, base ], [ bo, base ],
etc, will be stems with -ke and -bo suffixed respectively. To provide
a little more context, bo is associated with first person, pa with
assertive, a marker of something like the indicative. The ke is used
in various contexts including what I am calling the future. It is also
correlated to an 'in order to' meaning and a limitive 'just' or 'only'
meaning, more often when used with nominals. A take away is that
nearly every form type has its own category, at least in this analysis
of this phenomenon. Labeling form types is not the only role of these
categories they also play a role in morphotactics and the interface. [
bostem ] and [ pastem ] are categories of stems that license stems
ending in bo and pa, respectively. *)
(** ** Morphological forms
An mform, or morphological form, is a string. *)
Definition mform := string.
(** Below are some string functions to handle suffixation. *)
Definition suffix_ke (stem:mform) : mform :=
stem ++ "ke".
Definition suffix_bo (stem:mform) : mform :=
stem ++ "bo".
Definition suffix_pa (stem:mform) : mform :=
stem ++ "pa".
(** ** The structure of morphological paradigm entries
An mtrip is a data structure used to define Fentrys, which are
"form entries" aka morphological paradigm entries. There could
potentially be many non-Fentrys that have the type of an
mtrip. Nothing constrains this type to only be reasonable
entities. One of the purposes of the theory is to specify what
morphological forms are valid in a particular language. This is
similar to the formal language notion of defining the characteristic
function of a subset of all string combinations that correspond to a
Here the '*' corresponds to ×, for defining the types of pairs. *)
Definition mtrip := mcat * mform * lexeme.
(** The check below demonstrates why simply saying that we're working
with mtrips is not good enough. Non-grammatical triples check. We need
to be able to specify which are legal triples. *)
Check ( [ ke, base ] , "foot" , KEKI ).
(** Here I define Fentry, which is a predicate that is proveable when
an mtrip is a valid lexical entity. *)
Axiom Fentry : mtrip -> Prop.
(** Here I define the mtrip for the beki and keki stems. *)
Definition beki_base := ([ base ], "be", BEKI) : mtrip.
Definition keki_base := ([ base ], "ke", KEKI) : mtrip.
(** These require an explicit axiom to be treated like an
Fentry. Other Fentries will be derived from it. *)
Axiom f_beki_base : Fentry beki_base.
Axiom f_keki_base : Fentry keki_base.
(** * Morpho-Lexical relations
lem, for "less than or equal to morphological category" is the
order over morphological categories, or mcats. What you see below are
the basic properties of an order. These state the relation is
reflexive, meaning that x x; antisymmetric, meaning that if x y
and y x then x = y; transitive, meaning that if x y and y z then
x z. *)
Axiom lem : mcat -> mcat -> Prop.
Axiom lem_refl : forall x : mcat, lem x x.
Axiom lem_antisym : forall x y : mcat, lem x y -> lem y x -> x = y.
Axiom lem_trans : forall x y z : mcat, lem x y -> lem y z -> lem x z.
(** The order is not natural. There may be natural orders on the
underlying list type based on length but this is not how I use
mcats. As mentioned, though their structure is complex, they are
*names* of atomic categories.
Due to the fact that the order is not natural, each relation must be
explicitly specified, except those that are predictable from the
properties of the order. Below I specify those needed for this
fragment. *)
Axiom base_lem_bostem : lem [ base ] [ bostem ].
Axiom ke_base_lem_bostem : lem [ ke ; base ] [ bostem ].
Axiom bostem_lem_pastem : lem [ bostem ] [ pastem ].
Axiom bo_lem_pastem : lem [ bo ; base ] [ pastem ].
Axiom bo_ke_lem_pastem : lem [ bo ; ke ; base ] [ pastem ].
(** ** Morphotactic rules
In using the word "morphotactic", it may imply an imperative form
building interpretation. Though rules in this system tend to take as
input simpler forms and output more complex forms, the opposite is
possible. Defining rules in a form building direction is done for
practical reasons. Longer more complex forms are often less
frequent. If one wishes to base the assumed forms of a fragment on
something that is independently observable and be consistent about
which forms are assumed as axioms across lexemes, frequently used
forms are preferable -- or alternately, something like the principal
parts of a paradigm. The intended interpretation of these rules is
that they declare that if it is the case that Fentry x exists, then
Fentry y exists. But x does not underly y in any sense. Nor is it
necessarily contained as a subpart of y.
Below one can see the first morphotactic rule, which I call form-form
mappings. It specifies that anything within the category of [ base ]
can have its form suffixed with -ke. The accessors that look like (fst
(fst mt)) are because the mtrip triple is actually a pair of a pair
and a lexeme, the structure is w=((x,y),z) so (fst (fst w)) is x. In
English the rule says, for any mtrip that is an Fentry, if the mcat is
less than or equal to [ base ] then there is a Fentry such that the
category is whatever was provided with matom ke added to the front, an
mform with an affixed -ke and an unchanged lexeme. *)
Axiom add_ke : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ base ]) ->
Fentry (cons ke (fst (fst mt)),
suffix_ke (snd (fst mt)),
(snd mt)).
(** The rule below is very similar except that it is for the -bo
containing forms. *)
Axiom add_kuna : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ bobase ]) ->
Fentry (cons bo (fst (fst mt)),
suffix_bo (snd (fst mt)),
(snd mt)).
(** The below specifies the morphological category for assertives. *)
Axiom add_plta : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ pabase ]) ->
Fentry (cons pa (fst (fst mt)),
suffix_pa (snd (fst mt)),
(snd mt)).
(** * Mock-up of the interface
Below I define some types for syntactic categories but I do not supply
full entries. This is because for the purposes of this simple
exposition it doesn't make sense to embed the actual types and terms
needed for Linear Categorial Grammar, which is the syntactic theory
that I assume.
In order to hold somewhat to the spirit of the complete theory, I
define Sentry which is the predicate for valid lexical entries. *)
Inductive syncat : Set :=
| V_fut_1 : matom
| V_fut_3 : matom
| V_fut_part : matom
| V_fut_part_aux_1 : matom
| V_fut_part_aux_3 : matom.
Axiom Sentry : syncat -> Prop.
(** ** Interface rules
I call these form-sign mappings because the lexical entries are called
signs in LCG.
The first maps basic stems with -ke to the future participle
category. The second maps a basic stem with -pa to the category for
the auxiliary third person, which in a proper treatment would take a
participle as an argument. The third maps a basic stem with -bopa to a
similar category for the first person. The following rules map
morphological categories to the synthetic future tense. *)
Axiom ke_base_to_v_fut_part : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ ke ; base ]) -> Sentry V_fut_part.
Axiom kepa_to_v_fut_part_aux_3 : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ pa ; base ]) ->
Sentry V_fut_part_aux_3.
Axiom kepa_to_v_fut_part_aux_1 : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ pa ; bo ; base ]) ->
Sentry V_fut_part_aux_1.
Axiom pa_ke_to_v_fut_3 : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ pa ; ke ; base ]) ->
Sentry V_fut_3.
Axiom pa_bo_ke_to_v_fut_1 : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ pa ; bo ; ke ; base ]) ->
Sentry V_fut_1.