a major reformulation

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@ -1,161 +1,161 @@
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
(** * Wao Tededo Fragment
The purpose of this file is to eventually lay out a significant
grammatical fragment of Wao Tededo, beginning with a simple treatment
of adjectival classifiers. It is also a place where I plan to
implement various innovations of the underlying formalism. *)
Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Require Import Coq.Program.Basics.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Coq.Unicode.Utf8.
Open Scope type_scope. Open Scope string_scope.
Inductive matom : Set :=
| base : matom
| po : matom.
Definition mcat : Set := list matom.
(** The quasi phonological representation of morphological forms use
the string definition from the standard library. *)
Definition mobjs : list mcat :=
[ [ base ] ; [ po ] ].
Inductive mₘ : Set :=
| baseₘ
| poₘ
| concatₘ : mₘ mₘ mₘ.
Definition mobj : mcat -> Prop := fun x => In x mobjs.
Infix "" := concatₘ (at level 60, right associativity).
Lemma mobj_base:
mobj [ base ].
(** mₘ is a kind of ad hoc name for some basic symbols used to form
category names. *)
Lemma mobj_po:
mobj [ po ].
Inductive Mₘ : mₘ Prop :=
| baseM : Mₘ baseₘ
| poM : Mₘ poₘ.
Definition mpair := (mcat * mcat).
(** Using mₒ instances, a finite number of category names are
licensed. *)
Definition mmap (mp : mpair) : Prop :=
match mp with
| (x, y) => mobj x /\ mobj y
Inductive leₘ : mₘ mₘ Prop :=
| reflₘ : α, Mₘ α leₘ α α
| transₘ : α β γ, Mₘ α Mₘ β Mₘ γ leₘ α β leₘ β γ leₘ α γ.
Axiom antisymₘ : α β : mₘ, leₘ α β leₘ β α α = β.
Infix "≤ₘ" := leₘ (at level 60, right associativity).
(** A partial order is defined over mₒ instances, where only Mₖ
instances are ordered. *)
Inductive lₗ : Set :=
| ñeneₗ (* big *)
| giitaₗ. (* small *)
(** Lexemes are defined as a simple inductive type. *)
Inductive kₖ : Set :=
| adjₖ
| anyₖ.
Inductive leₖ : kₖ kₖ Prop :=
| topₖ : α β, α = anyₖ leₖ α β
| reflₖ : α, leₖ α α
| transₖ : α β γ, leₖ α β leₖ β γ leₖ α γ.
Axiom antisymₖ : α β, leₖ α β leₖ β α α = β.
Infix "≤ₖ" := leₖ (at level 60, right associativity).
(** Form classes are ordered with anyₖ as a top. *)
Definition fₗₖ (α : lₗ) : kₖ :=
match α with
| ñeneₗ => adjₖ
| giitaₗ => adjₖ
Definition mgraph := list (mcat * mcat).
(** Each lexeme has a form class *)
Definition lmgraph (mg : mgraph) := Forall mmap mg.
Lemma nil_lmgraph:
lmgraph nil.
Section Mgraph.
Variable G : mgraph.
Inductive lem : mcat -> mcat -> Prop :=
| defm : forall x y, lmgraph G -> mobj x -> mobj y -> In (x, y) G -> lem x y
| reflm : forall x y, lmgraph G -> mobj x -> mobj y -> x = y -> lem x y
| transm : forall x y z, lmgraph G -> mobj x -> mobj y -> mobj z -> lem x y -> lem y z -> lem x z.
End Mgraph.
Definition lemm := lem nil.
Definition mcondition := fun y : mcat => (flip lemm) y.
Axiom lem_antisym : forall x y : mcat, lem x y -> lem y x -> x = y.
Inductive lexeme : Set :=
| ÑENE : lexeme (* big *)
| GIITA : lexeme. (* small *)
Inductive fclass : Set :=
| adjc
| ñenec
| giitac
| anyc.
Definition cgraph : list (fclass * fclass) :=
[ (ñenec, adjc) ; (giitac, adjc) ; (adjc, anyc) ].
Inductive lec : fclass -> fclass -> Prop :=
| lec_def : forall x y : fclass, In (x, y) cgraph -> lec x y
| lec_refl : forall x y : fclass, x = y -> lec x y
| lec_trans : forall x y z : fclass, lec x y -> lec y z -> lec x z.
Definition mform := string.
Definition suffix_pa (stem:mform) : mform :=
Definition poₜ (stem : string) : string :=
stem ++ "po".
Definition mtrip := mcat * mform * lexeme.
Definition mpₘₚ := (mₘ * string).
(** poₜ is a simple rule for suffixing the sting "po" to a base. *)
Axiom Fentry : mtrip -> Prop.
Definition ruleₘₚ (m : mₘ) (k : kₖ) (newₘ : mₘ) (t : string string) :=
λ (α : mpₘₚ)
(l : lₗ)
(proofₘ : fst α m)
(proofₖ : fₗₖ l k), (newₘ, t (snd α)).
Definition ñene_base := ([ base ], "ñene", ÑENE) : mtrip.
Inductive MPₘₚ : mpₘₚ lₗ Prop :=
| ñeneMP : MPₘₚ (baseₘ, "ñene") ñeneₗ
| giitaMP : MPₘₚ (baseₘ, "giita") giitaₗ
| poMP : α l proofₘ proofₖ,
MPₘₚ α l MPₘₚ ((ruleₘₚ baseₘ adjₖ poₘ poₜ) α l proofₘ proofₖ) l.
Definition giita_base := ([ base ], "giita", GIITA) : mtrip.
(** MPₘₚ is a predicate for determining form paradigm entries. *)
Axiom f_ñene_base : Fentry ñene_base.
Inductive Pₘₚ : mpₘₚ mpₘₚ Prop :=
| inₘₚ : α β l, MPₘₚ α l MPₘₚ β l Pₘₚ α β
| reflₘₚ : α l, MPₘₚ α l Pₘₚ α α
| transₘₚ : α β γ, Pₘₚ α β Pₘₚ β γ Pₘₚ α γ
| symₘₚ : α β, Pₘₚ α β Pₘₚ β α.
Axiom f_giita_base : Fentry giita_base.
(** The form paradigm for some lexeme is an equivalence class *)
Axiom base_lem_bostem : lem [ base ] [ bostem ].
Axiom ke_base_lem_bostem : lem [ ke ; base ] [ bostem ].
Axiom bostem_lem_pastem : lem [ bostem ] [ pastem ].
Axiom bo_lem_pastem : lem [ bo ; base ] [ pastem ].
Axiom bo_ke_lem_pastem : lem [ bo ; ke ; base ] [ pastem ].
Inductive ϕ : Set :=
| ε
| η : string ϕ
| concatϕ (α β : ϕ).
Axiom add_ke : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ base ]) ->
Fentry (cons ke (fst (fst mt)),
suffix_ke (snd (fst mt)),
(snd mt)).
Infix "" := concatϕ (at level 60, right associativity).
Axiom add_kuna : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ bostem ]) ->
Fentry (cons bo (fst (fst mt)),
suffix_bo (snd (fst mt)),
(snd mt)).
(** The pheno is simplified. *)
Axiom add_plta : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ pastem ]) ->
Fentry (cons pa (fst (fst mt)),
suffix_pa (snd (fst mt)),
(snd mt)).
Inductive τ : Set :=
| NP
| N
| Fin
| infτ (α β : τ).
Inductive syncat : Set :=
| V_fut_1 : syncat
| V_fut_3 : syncat
| V_fut_part : syncat
| V_fut_part_aux_1 : syncat
| V_fut_part_aux_3 : syncat.
Notation "x ⊸ y" := (infτ x y) (at level 60, right associativity).
Axiom Sentry : syncat -> Prop.
(** The tecto is simplified. *)
Axiom ke_base_to_v_fut_part : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ ke ; base ]) -> Sentry V_fut_part.
Inductive sₛ : Set :=
| eₛ
| pₛ
| fₛ (α β : sₛ).
Axiom kepa_to_v_fut_part_aux_3 : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ pa ; base ]) ->
Sentry V_fut_part_aux_3.
(** A temporary fill in for semantics *)
Axiom kepa_to_v_fut_part_aux_1 : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ pa ; bo ; base ]) ->
Sentry V_fut_part_aux_1.
Inductive meaning : lₗ mₘ sₛ Prop :=
| meaning : l m, l = ñeneₗ m = baseₘ meaning l m eₛ.
Axiom pa_ke_to_v_fut_3 : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ pa ; ke ; base ]) ->
Sentry V_fut_3.
Definition spₛₚ := (ϕ * τ * sₛ).
(** A relation for providing proofs of lexical meanings *)
Definition ruleₛₚ (m : mₘ) (k : kₖ) (t : τ) (s : sₛ) :=
λ (α : mpₘₚ)
(l : lₗ)
(mp : MPₘₚ α l)
(proofₘ : (fst α) m)
(proofₖ : fₗₖ l k)
(proofₛ : meaning l (fst α) s), (η (snd α), t, s).
(** The above is a constructor for a mapping rule between form entries
and sign entries *)
Inductive SPₛₚ : spₛₚ lₗ Prop :=
| simp_adjₛₚ : α l mp proofₘ proofₖ proofₛ,
SPₛₚ ((ruleₛₚ baseₘ adjₖ (N N) (fₛ eₛ pₛ)) α l mp proofₘ proofₖ proofₛ) l.
(** A SPₛₚ is essentially a well-formed lexical sign plus a lexeme
reference used to simplify the identification of paradigms. For now,
I'll leave the type with only one constructor. *)
Inductive Pₛₚ : spₛₚ spₛₚ Prop :=
| inₛₚ : α β l, SPₛₚ α l SPₛₚ β l Pₛₚ α β
| reflₛₚ : α l, SPₛₚ α l Pₛₚ α α
| transₛₚ : α β γ, Pₛₚ α β Pₛₚ β γ Pₛₚ α γ
| symₛₚ : α β, Pₛₚ α β -> Pₛₚ β α.
(** A sign paradigm is an equivalence class. *)
Axiom pa_bo_ke_to_v_fut_1 : forall
(mt : mtrip), (Fentry mt) ->
(lem (fst (fst mt)) [ pa ; bo ; ke ; base ]) ->
Sentry V_fut_1.