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Noah Diewald 2021-06-04 00:52:04 -04:00
parent a05a00b1b0
commit 80701df653
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2 changed files with 397 additions and 0 deletions

CDS_prims.v Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
(* CDS_prims- (hopefully) the final version *)
Axiom e prop world : Set.
Axiom w0 : world.
Axiom tv : prop -> world -> bool.
Axiom truth falsity : prop.
Axiom p_not : prop -> prop.
Axiom p_and p_or p_implies p_iff : prop -> prop -> prop.
Section Statterm.
Inductive statterm : Set := ent : statterm | prp : statterm | func : statterm -> statterm -> statterm.
(* Mapping statterms to the appropriate sense type *)
Fixpoint Sns (s : statterm) : Set
:= match s with
| ent => e
| prp => prop
| func a b => (Sns a) -> (Sns b)
(* Mapping statterms to the appropriate extensional type *)
Fixpoint Ext (s : statterm) : Set
:= match s with
| ent => e
| prp => bool
| func a b => (Sns a) -> (Ext b)
(* Definition of the "@" function *)
Fixpoint ext_at (s : statterm) : (Sns s) -> world -> (Ext s)
:= match s as t return ((Sns t) -> world -> (Ext t)) with
| ent => fun (x : e) (w : world) => x
| prp => tv
| func a b => fun (f : (Sns a) -> (Sns b)) (w : world) (x : Sns a) => ext_at b (f x) w
End Statterm.
Axiom p_equals : forall s : statterm, (Sns s) -> (Sns s) -> prop.
Axiom p_exists p_forall : forall s : statterm, ((Sns s) -> prop) -> prop.
Module Sem_notations.
(* Adding a new "sem_scope" for these notations- should allow us to use "not" w/o naming conflicts *)
Infix "and" := p_and (at level 80) : sem_scope.
Infix "or" := p_or (at level 80) : sem_scope.
Infix "implies" := p_implies (at level 80) : sem_scope.
Infix "iff" := p_iff (at level 80) : sem_scope.
Infix "equals" := (p_equals prp) (at level 80) : sem_scope.
Notation "'not' p" := (p_not p) (at level 80) : sem_scope.
Notation "p @ w" := (tv p w) (at level 80) : sem_scope. (* hopefully this'll make the theorems way more legible! *)
Open Scope sem_scope.
(* we'll see if I make another bool_prims file, in which case these 3 lines'll go in there *)
Infix "~>" := implb (at level 50) : bool_scope.
Notation "-~ x" := (negb x) (at level 50) : bool_scope.
Open Scope bool_scope.
End Sem_notations.
Import Sem_notations.
(* Ok, so this last part uses Coq's module system to define the ultrafilter here but defining entails in extensions.v
Feel free to ignore the details of how this works (this stuff's annoyed me since the days I was messing around with OCaml),
but here's a brief explanation:
Basically, I'm defining a type of "file" (aka a module) and what such a file must contain to be well-typed (this is Ent).
In this case, all I require of modules of the type Ent is that they provide a term p_entails of type prop -> prop -> Prop.
Then, I define Ult which is a "functor" (their word) on files/modules of this type, meaning that it takes modules which are
of type Ent and returns another module (modules aren't required to have types, since they're language-external notions).
From there, I can make all of my definitions in terms of the p_entails provided by the argument module. *)
Module Type Ent.
Parameter p_entails : prop -> prop -> Prop.
End Ent.
Module Ult (E : Ent).
Definition p_equiv : prop -> prop -> Prop := fun p q : prop => (E.p_entails p q) /\ (E.p_entails q p).
Infix "entails" := E.p_entails (at level 80) : sem_scope.
Infix "" := p_equiv (at level 80) : sem_scope.
Definition pset : Set := prop -> bool.
Definition facts: world -> pset := fun (w : world) (p : prop) => tv p w.
Definition uc : pset -> Prop := fun s : pset => forall p q : prop, (s p) = true -> p entails q -> (s q) = true.
Definition ac : pset -> Prop := fun s : pset => forall p q : prop, (s p) = true -> (s q) = true -> (s (p and q)) = true.
Definition sai : pset -> Prop := fun s : pset => forall p : prop, ((s p) = true) \/ ((s (not p)) = true).
Definition cst : pset -> Prop := fun s : pset => (s falsity) = false.
Definition ultrafilter : pset -> Prop := fun s : pset => (uc s) /\ (ac s) /\ (sai s) /\ (cst s).
Axiom facts_inj : forall w v : world, (facts w) = (facts v) -> w = v.
Axiom facts_onto : forall s : pset, (ultrafilter s) -> exists w : world, s = (facts w).
End Ult.

extensions.v Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
(* extensions- (hopefully) the final version of worlds_prim/entails_def *)
Load CDS_prims.
Module entails_def.
Definition p_entails := fun p q : prop => forall w : world, (p@w) = true -> (q@w) = true.
End entails_def.
Module Import Ultra := Ult entails_def.
Section prop_axioms.
Axiom p_and_ax : forall (p q : prop) (w : world), ((p and q)@w) = ((p@w) && (q@w)).
Axiom p_or_ax : forall (p q : prop) (w : world), ((p or q)@w) = ((p@w) || (q@w)).
Axiom p_implies_ax : forall (p q : prop) (w : world), ((p implies q)@w) = ((p@w) ~> (q@w)).
Axiom p_iff_ax : forall (p q : prop) (w : world), ((p iff q)@w) = (((p implies q)@w) && ((q implies p)@w)).
Axiom p_not_ax : forall (p : prop) (w : world), ((not p)@w) = -~(p@w).
Axiom truth_ax : forall w : world, (truth@w) = true.
Axiom falsity_ax : forall w : world, (falsity@w) = false.
Axiom p_equals_ax : forall (s : statterm) (x y : (Sns s)) (w : world), (((p_equals s x y)@w) = true) <-> (x = y).
Axiom p_exists_ax : forall (s : statterm) (R : (Sns s) -> prop) (w : world),
(((p_exists s R)@w) = true) <-> ~(forall x : (Sns s), ((R x)@w) = false).
Axiom p_forall_ax : forall (s : statterm) (R : (Sns s) -> prop) (w : world),
(((p_forall s R)@w) = true) <-> (forall x : (Sns s), ((R x)@w) = true).
End prop_axioms.
Section Useful_lemmas.
Definition eq_trans' : forall {A : Type} {x y z : A}, x = y -> x = z -> y = z
:= fun (A : Type) (x y z : A) (u : x = y) (v : x = z) => match u in (_ = a) return (a = z) with eq_refl => v end.
Definition tnf : true <> false := eq_ind true (fun b : bool => if b then True else False) I false.
End Useful_lemmas.
Section prop_Theorems.
Definition facts_ultra : forall w : world, ultrafilter (facts w)
:= fun w : world =>
conj (fun (p q : prop) (e : (p@w) = true) (f : p entails q) => f w e)
(conj (fun (p q : prop) (u : (p@w) = true) (v : (q@w) = true) => eq_trans (p_and_ax p q w) (f_equal2 andb u v))
(conj (fun p : prop => (if (p@w) as b return ((p@w) = b -> ((p@w) = true) \/ (((not p)@w) = true))
then (fun u : (p@w) = true => or_introl u)
else (fun v : (p@w) = false => or_intror (eq_trans (p_not_ax p w) (f_equal negb v))))
(falsity_ax w))).
Definition entail_refl : forall p : prop, p entails p
:= fun (p : prop) (w : world) (e : (p@w) = true) => e.
Definition entail_trans : forall p q r : prop, (p entails q) -> (q entails r) -> (p entails r)
:= fun (p q r : prop) (f : p entails q) (g : q entails r) (w : world) (e : (p@w) = true) => g w (f w e).
Definition p_and_e1 : forall p q : prop, (p and q) entails p
:= fun (p q : prop) (w : world) (e : ((p and q)@w) = true) =>
(if (p@w) as b return ((b && (q@w)) = true -> b = true)
then (fun u : (q@w) = true => eq_refl)
else (fun v : false = true => v))
(eq_trans' (p_and_ax p q w) e).
Definition p_and_e2 : forall p q : prop, (p and q) entails q
:= fun (p q : prop) (w : world) (e : ((p and q)@w) = true) =>
(if (p@w) as b return ((b && (q@w)) = true -> (q@w) = true)
then (fun u : (q@w) = true => u)
else (fun v : false = true => if (q@w) as c return (c = true) then eq_refl else v))
(eq_trans' (p_and_ax p q w) e).
Definition p_and_i : forall p q r : prop, p entails q -> p entails r -> p entails (q and r)
:= fun (p q r : prop) (f : p entails q) (g : p entails r) (w : world) (e : (p@w) = true) =>
eq_trans (p_and_ax q r w) (f_equal2 andb (f w e) (g w e)).
Definition p_or_e : forall p q r : prop, p entails r -> q entails r -> (p or q) entails r
:= fun (p q r : prop) (f : p entails r) (g : q entails r) (w : world) (e : ((p or q)@w) = true) =>
(if (p@w) as b return ((p@w) = b -> (b || (q@w)) = true -> (r@w) = true)
then (fun (u : (p@w) = true) (v : true = true) => f w u)
else (fun x : (p@w) = false => g w))
(eq_trans' (p_or_ax p q w) e).
Definition p_or_i1 : forall p q : prop, p entails (p or q)
:= fun (p q : prop) (w : world) (e : (p@w) = true) => eq_trans (p_or_ax p q w) (f_equal (fun b : bool => b || (q@w)) e).
Definition p_or_i2 : forall p q : prop, q entails (p or q)
:= fun (p q : prop) (w : world) (e : (q@w) = true) =>
eq_trans (p_or_ax p q w) (if (p@w) as b return ((b || (q@w)) = true) then eq_refl else e).
Definition truth_top : forall p : prop, p entails truth
:= fun (p : prop) (w : world) (e : (p@w) = true) => truth_ax w.
Definition falsity_bot : forall p : prop, falsity entails p
:= fun (p : prop) (w : world) (e : (falsity@w) = true) =>
if (p@w) as b return (b = true) then eq_refl else (eq_trans' (falsity_ax w) e).
Definition p_implies_i : forall p q r : prop, (p and q) entails r -> p entails (q implies r)
:= fun (p q r : prop) (f : (p and q) entails r) (w : world) (e : (p@w) = true) =>
eq_trans (p_implies_ax q r w)
((if (q@w) as c return ((q@w) = c -> (c ~> (r@w)) = true)
then (fun u : (q@w) = true => f w (eq_trans (p_and_ax p q w) (f_equal2 andb e u)))
else (fun v : (q@w) = false => eq_refl))
Definition p_implies_e : forall p q : prop, (p and (p implies q)) entails q
:= fun (p q : prop) (w : world) (e : ((p and (p implies q))@w) = true) =>
eq_trans' (eq_trans (p_implies_ax p q w) (f_equal (fun b : bool => b ~> (q@w)) (p_and_e1 p (p implies q) w e)))
(p_and_e2 p (p implies q) w e).
Definition complement : forall (p : prop) (w : world), ((p and (not p))@w) = false
:= fun (p : prop) (w : world) =>
eq_trans (eq_trans (p_and_ax p (not p) w) (f_equal (andb (p@w)) (p_not_ax p w)))
(if (p@w) as b return ((b && -~b) = false) then eq_refl else eq_refl).
Definition lem : forall (p : prop) (w : world), ((p or (not p))@w) = true
:= fun (p : prop) (w : world) =>
eq_trans (eq_trans (p_or_ax p (not p) w) (f_equal (orb (p@w)) (p_not_ax p w)))
(if (p@w) as b return ((b || -~b) = true) then eq_refl else eq_refl).
Definition dne : forall p : prop, (not (not p)) entails p
:= fun (p : prop) (w : world) (e : ((not (not p))@w) = true) =>
(if (p@w) as b return (-~(-~b) = true -> b = true) then (fun u : true = true => u) else (fun v : false = true => v))
(eq_trans' (eq_trans (p_not_ax (not p) w) (f_equal negb (p_not_ax p w))) e).
Definition p_forall_e : forall (s : statterm) (R : (Sns s) -> prop) (x : (Sns s)), (p_forall s R) entails (R x)
:= fun (s : statterm) (R : (Sns s) -> prop) (x : (Sns s)) (w : world) (e : ((p_forall s R)@w) = true) =>
proj1 (p_forall_ax s R w) e x.
Definition p_forall_i : forall (s : statterm) (R : (Sns s) -> prop) (p : prop),
(forall x : (Sns s), p entails (R x)) -> p entails (p_forall s R)
:= fun (s : statterm) (R : (Sns s) -> prop) (p : prop)
(f : forall x : (Sns s), p entails (R x)) (w : world) (e : (p@w) = true) =>
proj2 (p_forall_ax s R w) (fun x : (Sns s) => f x w e).
Definition p_exists_e : forall (s : statterm) (R : (Sns s) -> prop) (p : prop),
(forall x : (Sns s), (R x) entails p) -> (p_exists s R) entails p
:= fun (s : statterm) (R : (Sns s) -> prop) (p : prop)
(g : forall x : (Sns s), (R x) entails p) (w : world) (e : ((p_exists s R)@w) = true) =>
(if (p@w) as b return ((p@w) = b -> (p@w) = true)
then (fun c : (p@w) = true => c)
else (fun d : (p@w) = false =>
False_ind ((p@w) = true)
(proj1 (p_exists_ax s R w) e
(fun x : (Sns s) =>
(if ((R x)@w) as t return (((R x)@w) = t -> ((R x)@w) = false)
then (fun y : ((R x)@w) = true => False_ind (((R x)@w) = false) (tnf (eq_trans' (g x w y) d)))
else (fun z : ((R x)@w) = false => z))
Definition p_exists_i : forall (s : statterm) (R : (Sns s) -> prop) (x : (Sns s)), (R x) entails (p_exists s R)
:= fun (s : statterm) (R : (Sns s) -> prop) (x : (Sns s)) (w : world) (e : ((R x)@w) = true) =>
proj2 (p_exists_ax s R w) (fun f : forall y : (Sns s), ((R y)@w) = false => tnf (eq_trans' e (f x))).
(* generalized version of eqw0eqev/neqw0neqev (doesn't require world to be inhabited) *)
Definition eqiseqev : forall (s : statterm) (x y : (Sns s)) (u v : world), ((p_equals s x y)@u) = ((p_equals s x y)@v)
:= fun (s : statterm) (x y : (Sns s)) (u v : world) =>
(if ((p_equals s x y)@v) as t return (((p_equals s x y)@v) = t -> ((p_equals s x y)@u) = t)
then (fun c : ((p_equals s x y)@v) = true => proj2 (p_equals_ax s x y u) (proj1 (p_equals_ax s x y v) c))
else (fun d : ((p_equals s x y)@v) = false =>
(if ((p_equals s x y)@u) as b return (((p_equals s x y)@u) = b -> b = false)
then (fun a : ((p_equals s x y)@u) = true =>
eq_trans' (proj2 (p_equals_ax s x y v) (proj1 (p_equals_ax s x y u) a)) d)
else (fun e : ((p_equals s x y)@u) = false => eq_refl))
(* These last 3 axioms requires that world is inhabited, specifically by a term w0 *)
Definition nondeg : ~(truth falsity)
:= and_ind (fun (f : truth entails falsity) (g : falsity entails truth) =>
tnf (eq_trans' (f w0 (truth_ax w0)) (falsity_ax w0))).
Definition eq_one : forall (s : statterm) (x y : (Sns s)), ((p_equals s x y) truth) \/ ((p_equals s x y) falsity)
:= fun (s : statterm) (x y : (Sns s)) =>
(if ((p_equals s x y)@w0) as b
return (((p_equals s x y)@w0) = b -> ((p_equals s x y) truth) \/ ((p_equals s x y) falsity))
then (fun c : ((p_equals s x y)@w0) = true =>
or_introl (conj (truth_top (p_equals s x y))
(fun (v : world) (e : (truth@v) = true) => eq_trans' (eqiseqev s x y w0 v) c)))
else (fun d : ((p_equals s x y)@w0) = false =>
or_intror (conj (fun (v : world) (e : ((p_equals s x y)@v) = true) =>
if (falsity@v) as t return (t = true)
then eq_refl
else (eq_trans' d (eq_trans (eqiseqev s x y w0 v) e)))
(falsity_bot (p_equals s x y)))))
Definition eq_two : forall (s : statterm) (x y : (Sns s)), ((p_equals s x y) truth) <-> (x = y)
:= fun (s : statterm) (x y : (Sns s)) =>
conj (and_ind (fun (f : (p_equals s x y) entails truth) (g : truth entails (p_equals s x y)) =>
proj1 (p_equals_ax s x y w0) (g w0 (truth_ax w0))))
(fun e : x = y => conj (truth_top (p_equals s x y))
(fun (u : world) (c : (truth@u) = true) => proj2 (p_equals_ax s x y u) e)).
End prop_Theorems.
(* basically showing that ≡_p implies mutual entailment *)
Definition int_eq : forall p q : prop, (forall w : world, (p@w) = (q@w)) -> p q
:= fun (p q : prop) (f : forall w : world, (p @ w) = (q @ w)) =>
conj (fun w : world => eq_trans' (f w)) (fun w : world => eq_trans (f w)).
(* duality of prop quantifiers *)
Definition comp : forall {A B C:Type},(B->C)->(A->B)->A->C := fun (A B C : Type) (f : B -> C) (g : A -> B) (x : A) => f (g x).
Infix "" := comp (at level 20).
Definition dubneg : forall b : bool, b = -~(-~b) := bool_ind (fun b : bool => b = -~(-~b)) eq_refl eq_refl.
Section QuantifierDuals.
Hypotheses (s : statterm) (P : Sns s -> prop).
Definition qudupr1 : (p_exists s P) (not (p_forall s (p_notP)))
:= conj (fun (w : world) (d : ((p_exists s P)@w) = true) =>
eq_trans (p_not_ax (p_forall s (p_notP)) w)
(f_equal negb
((if ((p_forall s (p_notP))@w) as b return (((p_forall s (p_notP))@w) = b -> b = false)
then (fun e : ((p_forall s (p_notP))@w) = true =>
False_ind (true = false)
(proj1 (p_exists_ax s P w) d
(fun x : Sns s =>
eq_trans (dubneg ((P x)@w))
(f_equal negb
(eq_trans' (p_not_ax (P x) w)
(proj1 (p_forall_ax s (p_notP) w) e x))))))
else (fun _ : ((p_forall s (p_notP))@w) = false => eq_refl))
(fun (w : world) (d : (((not p_forall s (p_notP)))@w) = true) =>
proj2 (p_exists_ax s P w)
(fun f : forall x : Sns s, (P x @ w) = false =>
tnf (eq_trans'
(proj2 (p_forall_ax s (p_notP) w)
(fun x : Sns s => eq_trans (p_not_ax (P x) w) (f_equal negb (f x))))
(eq_trans (dubneg ((p_forall s (p_notP))@w))
(f_equal negb (eq_trans' (p_not_ax (p_forall s (p_notP)) w) d)))))).
Definition qudupr2 : (p_forall s P) (not (p_exists s (p_notP)))
:= conj (fun (w : world) (d : ((p_forall s P)@w) = true) =>
eq_trans (p_not_ax (p_exists s (p_notP)) w)
(f_equal negb
((if ((p_exists s (p_notP))@w) as b return ((p_exists s (p_not P) @ w) = b -> b = false)
then (fun e : ((p_exists s (p_notP))@w) = true =>
False_ind (true = false)
(proj1 (p_exists_ax s (p_notP) w) e
(fun x : Sns s =>
eq_trans (p_not_ax (P x) w)
(f_equal negb (proj1 (p_forall_ax s P w) d x)))))
else (fun _ : ((p_exists s (p_notP))@w) = false => eq_refl))
(fun (w : world) (d : ((not (p_exists s (p_notP)))@w) = true) =>
proj2 (p_forall_ax s P w)
(fun x : Sns s =>
(if ((P x)@w) as b return (((P x)@w) = b -> b = true)
then (fun _ : (P x @ w) = true => eq_refl)
else (fun e : (P x @ w) = false =>
(eq_trans (dubneg ((p_exists s (p_notP))@w))
(f_equal negb (eq_trans' (p_not_ax (p_exists s (p_notP)) w) d)))
(proj2 (p_exists_ax s (p_notP) w)
(fun f : forall y : Sns s, ((not (P y))@w) = false =>
tnf (eq_trans' (eq_trans (p_not_ax (P x) w) (f_equal negb e))
(f x))))))
Definition qudupr3 : (p_exists s (p_notP)) (not (p_forall s P))
:= conj (fun (w : world) (d : ((p_exists s (p_notP))@w) = true) =>
eq_trans (p_not_ax (p_forall s P) w)
(f_equal negb
((if ((p_forall s P)@w) as b return (((p_forall s P)@w) = b -> b = false)
then (fun e : (p_forall s P @ w) = true =>
False_ind (true = false)
(proj1 (p_exists_ax s (p_notP) w) d
(fun x : Sns s =>
eq_trans (p_not_ax (P x) w)
(f_equal negb (proj1 (p_forall_ax s P w) e x)))))
else (fun _ : ((p_forall s P)@w) = false => eq_refl))
(fun (w : world) (d : ((not (p_forall s P))@w) = true) =>
proj2 (p_exists_ax s (p_notP) w)
(fun f : forall x : Sns s, ((p_notP) x @ w) = false =>
tnf (eq_trans'
(proj2 (p_forall_ax s P w)
(fun x : Sns s =>
eq_trans (dubneg ((P x)@w))
(f_equal negb (eq_trans' (p_not_ax (P x) w) (f x)))))
(eq_trans (dubneg ((p_forall s P)@w))
(f_equal negb (eq_trans' (p_not_ax (p_forall s P) w) d)))))).
Definition qudupr4 : (p_forall s (p_notP)) (not (p_exists s P))
:= conj (fun (w : world) (d : ((p_forall s (p_notP))@w) = true) =>
eq_trans (p_not_ax (p_exists s P) w)
(f_equal negb
((if ((p_exists s P)@w) as b return (((p_exists s P)@w) = b -> b = false)
then (fun e : ((p_exists s P)@w) = true =>
False_ind (true = false)
(proj1 (p_exists_ax s P w) e
(fun x : Sns s =>
eq_trans (dubneg ((P x)@w))
(f_equal negb
(eq_trans' (p_not_ax (P x) w)
(proj1 (p_forall_ax s (p_notP) w) d x))))))
else (fun _ : ((p_exists s P)@w) = false => eq_refl))
(fun (w : world) (d : ((not (p_exists s P))@w) = true) =>
proj2 (p_forall_ax s (p_notP) w)
(fun x : Sns s =>
eq_trans (p_not_ax (P x) w)
(f_equal negb
((if ((P x)@w) as b return (((P x)@w) = b -> b = false)
(fun e : ((P x)@w) = true =>
eq_trans' (proj2 (p_exists_ax s P w)
(fun f : forall y : Sns s, ((P y)@w) = false =>
tnf (eq_trans' e (f x))))
(eq_trans (dubneg ((p_exists s P)@w))
(f_equal negb
(eq_trans' (p_not_ax (p_exists s P) w) d))))
else (fun _ : ((P x)@w) = false => eq_refl))
End QuantifierDuals.